Freely Feeling

Growing our Muscles of Authentic Emotional Expression

In the Gabor Maté video I played in last week’s MASTERHeart [view here] we learned how we as a human race have learned to suppress our emotion, which is resulting in a pandemic of physical, emotional and mental health.

Learning how to allow and express our emotions is critical for health and happiness.

So today, we’re going to grow our muscles of Authentic Emotional Expression.

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1 minute for Self-Compassion Today!

<aside> 🦋 When was the last time you felt Authentically Happy? Recall it. Let yourself feel it until you’re smiling ear to ear, your eyes are soft and closed, and your shoulders have dropped a whole inch.


If You’re Not Moving Forward, It’s Probably Because You’re NOT Feeling.

Emotion is literally and metaphysically energy-in-motion.

If we don’t feel and allow and release it – it becomes stuck energy in the body, and it stops us from flowing, moving, evolving.

Just be aware of ANY big emotion you’ve ever felt. BIG Anger — is a LOT of energy. BIG Sadness — is a LOT of energy. BIG Joy — is a LOT of energy.

It’s energy for moving forward!!!!!!

But we’ve got to learn how to allow this big energy without making it mean anything and without it making terrible decisions for us.

<aside> 🤔 Our Big Emotions are best understood like a small children. In the middle of their temper tantrums or pity parties we DON’T want them making decisions or driving the car. But we also need to learn how to stop ignoring them and shoving them in the trunk! There is ANOTHER WAY… for them to be powerful energy for moving forward.


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Here’s How to Move Forward, Says Gabor Maté

If you want to move forward in ways that matter to you, you’ve got to allow yourself to feel your authentic emotion.

The HUGE MISUNDERSTANDING too many of us have about emotion - is that it’s not well understood how to FEEL our emotions – so they can be received and we can learn what we need, what’s out of balance and what’s important.

For example – when we have BIG Anger we have a LOT of energy that’s often directed into blame and revenge. And if we don’t take some time, with loving compassion and acceptance – that anger does and says stupid things.