#!/usr/bin/env bash # # GlancesAutoInstall script # Version: MASTER branch # Author: Nicolas Hennion (aka) Nicolargo # # Execute a command as root (or sudo) do_with_root() { # already root? "Just do it" (tm). if [[ `whoami` = 'root' ]]; then $@ elif [[ -x /bin/sudo || -x /usr/bin/sudo ]]; then echo "sudo $*" sudo -H $@ else echo "Glances requires root privileges to install." echo "Please run this script as root." exit 1 fi } # Detect distribution name if [[ `which lsb_release 2>/dev/null` ]]; then # lsb_release available distrib_name=`lsb_release -is` elif [[ `which sw_vers 2>/dev/null` ]]; then # sw_vers available (for macOS) distrib_name=`sw_vers -productName` else # try other method... lsb_files=`find /etc -type f,l -maxdepth 1 \( ! -wholename /etc/os-release ! -wholename /etc/lsb-release -wholename /etc/\*release -o -wholename /etc/\*version \) 2> /dev/null` for file in $lsb_files; do if [[ $file =~ /etc/(.*)[-_] ]]; then distrib_name=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} break else echo "Sorry, GlancesAutoInstall script is not compliant with your system. Could not find any /etc/-release regular files or symbolic links" echo "Please read: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances#installation" exit 1 fi done fi echo "Detected system:" $distrib_name shopt -s nocasematch # Let's do the installation if [[ $distrib_name == "ubuntu" || $distrib_name == "LinuxMint" || $distrib_name == "debian" || $distrib_name == "Raspbian" || $distrib_name == "neon" || $distrib_name == "elementary" ]]; then # Ubuntu/Debian variants # Set non interactive mode set -eo pipefail export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # Make sure the package repository is up to date #do_with_root apt-get -y update # Install prerequirements do_with_root apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-docker gcc lm-sensors wireless-tools elif [[ $distrib_name == "redhat" || $distrib_name == "RedHatEnterprise" || $distrib_name == "RedHatEnterpriseServer" || $distrib_name == "centos" || $distrib_name == "fedora" || $distrib_name == "Scientific" ]]; then # Redhat/CentOS/Fedora/SL # Install prerequirements do_with_root yum -y install python-pip python-devel gcc lm_sensors wireless-tools elif [[ $distrib_name == "oracle" ]]; then # Oracle EL 7, should work on 6 as well # Enable repo do_with_root yum -y install yum-utils do_with_root yum-config-manager --enablerepo ol`. /etc/os-release; echo $VERSION | cut -d. -f1`_software_collections # Install prerequirements do_with_root yum -y install python27-python-pip python27-python-devel gcc lm_sensors wireless-tools # Create glances script GLANCES_BIN=/usr/bin/glances echo "#!/bin/bash" > $GLANCES_BIN echo ". /opt/rh/python27/enable" >> $GLANCES_BIN echo "glances" >> $GLANCES_BIN chmod +x $GLANCES_BIN # Load Python27 env . /opt/rh/python27/enable elif [[ $distrib_name == "arch" ]]; then # Arch support # Headers not needed for Arch, shipped with regular python packages do_with_root pacman -S python-pip lm_sensors wireless_tools --noconfirm elif [[ $distrib_name == "SuSE" ]]; then zypper --non-interactive in python-pip python-devel gcc python-curses elif [[ $distrib_name == "centminmod" ]]; then # /CentOS min based # Install prerequirements do_with_root yum -y install python-devel gcc lm_sensors wireless-tools do_with_root wget -O- https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python && $(which pip) install -U pip && ln -s $(which pip) /usr/bin/pip elif [[ $distrib_name == "alpine" ]]; then # Alpine support # Headers not needed for Arch, shipped with regular python packages do_with_root apk add py-pip python-dev linux-headers musl-dev lm_sensors wireless-tools elif [[ $distrib_name == "macOS" ]]; then # macOS support echo "Install Command lines Tools for XCode on your system" do_with_root xcode-select --install echo "Install Homebrew on your system" /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" echo "Install Python on your system" do_with_root brew install python else # Unsupported system echo "Sorry, GlancesAutoInstall script is not compliant with your system." echo "Please read: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances#installation" exit 1 fi shopt -u nocasematch echo "Install dependencies" # Glances issue #922: Do not install PySensors (SENSORS) DEPS="setuptools glances[action,batinfo,browser,cpuinfo,docker,export,folders,gpu,graph,ip,raid,snmp,web,wifi]" # Install libs # do_with_root pip install --upgrade pip do_with_root pip install $DEPS # Install or upgrade Glances from the Pipy repository if [[ -x /usr/local/bin/glances || -x /usr/bin/glances ]]; then echo "Upgrade Glances and dependencies" # Upgrade libs do_with_root pip install --upgrade $DEPS do_with_root pip install --upgrade glances else echo "Install Glances" # Install Glances do_with_root pip install glances fi