The Lightness of Her Words

Ernio Hernandez


Softly, she sat at the window in her office

Softly, the light from her keyboard and monitor lit the room

Softly, she hummed along to the tune playing in her headphones

Softly, she tapped and typed words that flowed from her fingers

gently, she touched her face where once she was touched

gently, a tear streamed down her face onto her finger

gently, she wept as her body shrugged in silence

gently, she turned the volume up on the song

Crescendo, tears, music soars,

breathing deep

she typed on

her words, filling the page

her words, filling her heart

her words, her heartbeat, her tears

the sound of the song

the sound of her breath

the sound

and her words

were all that was left, when the song glided



to an end





