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Thank you for preordering Hungry Authors: The Indispensable Guide to Planning, Writing, and Publishing a Nonfiction Book. It doesn't publish until August, but we have good news! You don't have to wait until then to get started writing your book. We have a few helpful tools below that you can use today.

Fill out this form to get started with a bunch of extra resources we designed especially for you.

  • The Hungry Author's Guide to Book Mapping (PDF) with sample book maps included!
  • The Hungry Author's Quick-Reference Guide to Commercial Nonfiction Genres (Google Spreadsheet)
  • Access to our Bestselling Book Idea Masterclass (video)
  • Exclusive invitation to our in-person VIP book launch parties
  • Plus... be entered to win a special writerly prize each month until publication (April to August)!

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