Are You Addicted To Smoking? The Smokers Quiz 

How on earth did you get addicted to smoking? You may have been wondering about this for a while without having any clue about it. Through this chapter, we will try to help you determine whether you’re actually addicted to smoking or not. 

Remember the first time you smoked? 

It is up to you now to decide whether you want to wriggle free of the habit or just succumb to your addiction and let it continue to control your life. 

Take a look at these questions: 

1. Do you smoke daily?   If so for how long have you been smoking daily?

 2. Check the following list and answer honestly to yourself, which of these do you experience after you stop or cut down on the amount of smoking. These symptoms can set in immediately after you have taken a break from smoking. 

 Anxiety  Decrease in heart rate 

 Depression and mood swings

  Difficulty in concentrating 

 Increased appetite or weight gain 


 Restlessness  Unexplainable irritability,

 frustration or anger

 3. How badly do the symptoms mentioned above set in when you experience them? Do you have to postpone all work because of them? 

Check if the answer to all or most of the symptoms above is yes. In case it is a yes, it’s time for you to get some help. Try not to procrastinate at this point because you are starting to see that your addiction is worse than you initially thought. Instead of being in denial; save that energy to gather up all the courage you need to take on this problem head-on.

 4. Can you remember a single day in the last year or so when you did not smoke at all? 

If you can remember a day in your life where you did not smoke then, try and remember how you managed to stay free of smoking that day. 

Try and re-enact the same things you did that day that kept you from smoking. If you can't remember not smoking, then don’t worry, you’re not the only one. It doesn’t mean you should give up all together on quitting. It’s just means you need to put more effort into your next attempt. It’s not the end of the world, just add a little patience and strength of mind to the equation and before you know it you will be free of cigarettes for good. 

                                 Why You Should Quit Smoking Today ?

   The answer to this and other questions about quitting smoking you will find the answer in this  eBook  -  Kicking the Habit: A Smoker’s Guide

            Discover How You Can Say Goodbye to Smoking Permanently 

                                   For    More  Details and to Obtain a  Copy  Click    Here