The Greatest Gift of Easter 🐣

Easter is all about counting our blessings, staying hopeful, showing kindness, and being thankful in our daily lives. And it’s a powerful reminder of the life-giving act of forgiveness.

It’s no small feat, to truly forgive. But it is THE best gift we can give ourselves, and others.

And maybe this is a beautiful day to embrace that gift and give it freely to ourselves and others.

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1 minute for the Life-Giving Power of Forgiveness.

<aside> 🐣 What’s the One Thing You Still Hold Against Yourself? A mistake, a failure, a moment you’d like to take back.

Are you Open and Willing to Letting Yourself Off the Hook? Just be aware, are you open, and willing. That’s all you need.


Forgiveness is the Opposite of Weakness.

Gandhi's perspective underscores forgiveness as a demonstration of strength.

He posited that it serves as a potent antidote to animosity and retaliation.

According to him, extending forgiveness fosters harmony and cooperation, in stark contrast to the perpetuation of anguish through seeking retribution or revenge. [1]

<aside> 🐣 Can you relate? Has forgiveness changed a relationship, or a situation in your life? What’s the toughest thing you’ve truly let go of?



All the Sages through the Ages Agree: Forgiveness is the Way.

Enlightened teachers from all faiths agree that forgiveness is the way to move forward. [2]

But phew 😮‍💨 is it easier said than done.

Today we’re going to dive into how to practically give the gift of forgiveness to ourselves, as the natural and inevitable precursor for forgiving all those around you. [3]

<aside> 💟 Forgiveness truly frees up our energy, so that we’re not stuck draining our energy into the past and into things we can’t control. Remember forgiveness is NOT condoning anything, but it’s letting go of holding the past against anyone or anything. And studies HAVE shown that forgiveness supports the correction of behavior much better than judgment and revenge. [4]


Your Self-Forgiveness Workout 💪

Free Up Huge Energy for the Future

  1. What’s something or someone you want to forgive. It can be anything. It can feel huge and monumental. Or incredibly subtle. What’s one thing that pops into your mind when you contemplate you wish it didn’t happen the way it didn’t.