
A Thorn Among Roses

Hosted by antonia_bernardin
01 May 24 - 01 Jul 24
4 participants


Welcome to the Lazy Book Lovers Podcast book club!

Join the podcast hosts Tali and Toni in our own little book club, where every two months we'll pick a book to read together with our audience.

For our read-along's we will be choosing indie author books to feature, and we would love for you to be involved in the process of suggesting a book to choose, visit our website and submit something in the suggest box if you have an idea!

New to the podcast? Here are some links for where to connect with us.


Spoiler free discussions

Target: 01 May 2024

Spoiler free chat about the book, share quotes you liked, reactions and thoughts as you go!
1 comment

Spoilers chat

Target: 01 May 2024

Have free reign in this forum to discuss whatever you like, give us your reactions and thoughts on the big moments