Donate to
Medicine Encompassed

At Medicine Encompassed, we are a student-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization aiming to promote awareness and increase accessibility for those interested in future medical careers through various mediums. With a team of STEM-oriented individuals that are also passionate about biology, we are seeking to demonstrate the wide scope of what medicine encompasses. Recognizing the importance of expanding the medical field, our organization believes in accepting people from all backgrounds under one common interest. By bridging the gap between medicine, underrepresented minorities, and students from low-income backgrounds, our team of like-minded individuals is dedicated to creating more resources and opportunities in all medical fields.

By donating to us, 100% of proceeds will go towards funding our mission of providing high school students opportunities to immerse themselves in medical subjects through website maintenance to house our resources, Zoom costs for free virtual events, and the ability to reach schools around the world through our initiative, Project Cultivation.

Please email if you have any questions or concerns regarding in-kind donations.

We’ll send a receipt here for your tax records.
Optionally include a note.

Your contribution is tax-deductible.