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Tame Your Anxiety, Build Your Self-Esteem, or Break Your Toxic Relationship Patterns


Unlock free access to the courses that are giving our members the breakthroughs they've been looking for.

Does the same challenge or negative pattern keep surfacing in your life over and over again? Are you still having a hard time letting go of your ex? Do you feel a burning resentment towards a family member? Are you struggling to form a healthy new habit no matter how hard you try? Or are your spending habits getting entirely out of control?

We get it might be hard to make big life changes. That's why we’re offering a helping hand – and for free, too. We’re giving you 14 days of free access to ALL of our courses, live webinars, and online support groups to give you the breakthrough you need to work through whatever’s been keeping you up at night.

This free trial is your chance to get to the root of your biggest emotional challenges and start feeling more confident, in control, and fulfilled in every aspect of your life.

* This offer is available for a limited time *

Your All-Access Pass Is the Quickest and Most Affordable Way


The Personal Development School is the leading online school helping over 200,000 members change how they think and become more fulfilled in every area of their lives.

Our All-Access Pass gives you access to both the practical tools and caring support you need to figure out the root cause of your painful emotions, negative thinking patterns, and relationship issues so that you can change them once and for all.

When you activate your 14-Day All-Access Pass, you’ll have two weeks to explore all of our courses for free and start learning our scientifically-proven formulas for:

  • Healing your attachment style and overcoming your greatest obstacles to happy, healthy relationships.

  • Battling anxiety, depression, loneliness, and deep sadness.

  • Setting life and career goals that are aligned with your unique personality needs.

  • Breaking bad spending habits and developing a healthier relationship with money.

  • Putting procrastination, resentment, people-pleasing and self-esteem issues to bed.

Attachment Styles Discovered
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Join Thousands of Our Members in Learning Practical, Powerful, and Proven Techniques for Creating Change That Actually Lasts.

Wondering why we’re giving away free access to our platform?

That’s because we know that our courses work. 

The techniques we teach inside of The Personal Development School work directly with the different parts of your mind to bring you the breakthrough you need to create change that lasts a lifetime.

We’ve surveyed thousands of our students from around the world who have taken our courses and given us honest ratings. They consistently report:

  • 3X more self-confidence and fulfillment in their dating lives (if single).

  • A 50% improvement in their current relationship (if in a committed relationship).

  • A 40% improvement in their self-esteem and self-talk.

  • 30% fewer anxiety and panic attacks than they had before. 

  • 90% success rate in forming a new habit within 21 days.

Whether you need help building healthier habits, understanding where your toxic relationship patterns come from, or learning healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with your anxiety week to week, you’ll spend the next 14 days learning essential tools that will help you create the change you’re looking for in a short amount of time.

You Could Be Joining Our Members in Having Breakthroughs Like This:

Melissa K.Colorado, USA

“I’ve researched relationships most of my life. However, I couldn’t find anything that explained my dynamic in them. I thought about therapy until I stumbled upon Thais’s YouTube channel. She explained EXACTLY what I was experiencing. She literally read my mind! I’m usually a bit of a skeptic but I was hooked! I finally figured out my problem and how to solve it!”

Tappy P.England, UK

“PDS has had such an amazing impact on my relationships, my self-esteem and has given me valuable self-awareness. The community has so many brilliant, and like-minded individuals who I always look forward to talking to! The tools within PDS have provided me with the strength, and ability to heal, almost completely from my anxiety, and I feel so much more confident within myself.”

Athira D.San Francisco, USA

“PDS replaced therapy for me. I was a Fearful Avoidant, and I could not explain why I struggled in relationships. The constant need for connection and the fear of having one was very draining. I am so grateful to PDS that finally I realize that my worth is not related to anything I achieve but to the person that I am. Also learning about other attachment styles helped me to become more compassionate to people around me.”

Leona D.Belfast, UK

"Joining PDS was the single best decision I made last year as it opened my eyes to the possibility that I could dramatically improve the quality of my relationships and that my past did not have to define my future. The PDS community is a truly supportive environment, my only regret is that I did not find all this out sooner as it has been truly life changing for me!"

Tamara G.

“PDS is an incredible resource. The work is powerful. It’s helped me to heal some hard wounds and change my life to one that is more balanced, more joyful and based in a deep sense of self-love and understanding. You choose how to heal and you get to do it in an environment steeped in compassion, connection, integrity and personal accountability.”

Here’s What You Get With Your 14-Day All-Access Pass:


Take 14 days to explore our complete list of tailed courses carefully designed to help you tackle a wide range of personal challenges you might be facing, like:

  • Setting boundaries to end compulsive people-pleasing

  • Learning your relationship needs to feel truly loved

  • Building your self-esteem

  • Repairing your relationship

  • Releasing resentments

  • And many more!

Courses range from between 1 and 3 hours in length and will give you the simple, step-by-step ingredients you need to see a significant transformation in a short period of time.

Each course comes with a PDF workbook filled with thought-provoking exercises you can apply to your daily life to see results faster.


Get additional guidance from me as you make your way through our courses and face the deeper parts of yourself.

  • Live webinars - Each week, I’ll break down your course learnings in more detail and share practical tips and examples on how to use the tools and techniques in your life.

  • Q&A sessions – got something that’s keeping you up at night? During these calls, I’ll personally answer your questions and guide you in resolving your biggest challenges.

  • Live webinars and Q&As are totally optional! They are not a required part of any course but are simply there for extra support and connection! I’ll be there 4X each week to answer your questions, guide you on your journey and help you see any blind spots you might be missing!

  • Access past recordings – listen (or re-listen) to all of our webinars and Q&As whenever is convenient for you so you never miss out.


You don’t need to go through this healing journey on your own.

As a member, you can join our online study groups, sharing circles, self-love routines and other support groups led by our trained coaches.

Plus, you’ll also get access to our private online forum and Facebook group, where you can connect with like-minded people also working on improving their emotions, relationships and attachment styles.

This is also an optional feature and is not required to see massive results. It’s here for daily guidance, inspiration and connection with like-minded people if you find that to be a supportive part of your learning process!

* This offer is available for a limited time *

Explore Some of Our Life-Changing Courses.

Take a sneak peek at some of the courses that have helped thousands of students break their destructive habits, build their self-esteem, release resentments, and transform their lives from the inside out.

Hi! I’m Thais.

I’m a personal development expert, best-selling author and founder of The Personal Development School.

After completing my master’s degree, my Ph.D. and over 13 different certifications in a variety of disciplines, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Hypnosis, Somatic Experiencing and more – I ran an extremely busy client-based practice for the better part of a decade.

Now I help clients across the globe overcome lifelong emotional challenges through the Personal Development School.

Since co-creating the Personal Development School and my years of research and client experience, I have become a leading authority on healing attachment trauma and have built a thriving membership and online community, including over 15,000 members in 113+ countries worldwide, more than 21,000,000 views on YouTube and 15,000+ course enrollments.

Can your mental health really keep taking the back seat?

If you’re questioning whether you can make the time for your personal development in the next two weeks, ask yourself:

What does my life look and feel like every day if I don’t get a hold of my anxiety?

How much will it hurt me if I find myself in yet another situationship?

How disappointed will I be in myself if I break my habit streak again?

How much longer can I let my self-esteem block me from reaching my potential?

This limited-time offer is your call to learn everything you need to know to break your patterns once and for all and start experiencing the change you want to see in your life.

Don’t forget that all of our courses are self-paced courses you can work through however it works for you. Many of them are as short as one hour in length!

Ready for Your First Breakthrough?


Join today and get instant access to:

  • Our complete library of video courses you can watch to manage emotions, learn new coping mechanisms, and get to the bottom of your biggest challenges.

  • Weekly webinars and Q&A sessions where you can ask me questions and get even more support (plus recordings of these sessions so you never miss out).

  • Community support to suit your needs, including our online forum and weekly support groups led by our trained coaches.

* This offer is available for a limited time *

Curious to See How the All-Access Pass Can Change Your Life? Hit Play to Find Out What Awaits You.

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