17 supporters
MRA will be removed from Microsoft Store

MRA will be removed from Microsoft Store

Nov 15, 2023

Hello MRA Users

Recently, Microsoft made an important announcement about their policy to remove applications without digital signatures from the Microsoft Store. This means that in order to keep MRA available for everyone and accessible to a broader audience, we need a code signing certificate which costs a yearly fee.

MRA, as you know, is a fantastic free tool for discovering and enjoying music. Throughout our journey, we've been dedicated to providing this service without charging for it, which means we haven't made any money during the development of MRA. Despite our efforts to offer additional features to our supporters, we have not seen a meaningful impact.

Therefore, starting in January 2024, MRA will no longer be available on the Microsoft Store.

As for the future of MRA, we remain committed to updating and enhancing the application, and you will still be able to access the latest version directly from our website.

We appreciate your ongoing support and trust in MRA, and we sincerely thank you for being a part of our community. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for choosing MRA and being a part of the MRA community!

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/4RsEywFGQn

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