Welcome! Here you will find a lot of program-specific information about study abroad programs in Scotland. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Have a look around and see what interests you! For those who are confirmed for one of these programs, there may be more information for you here too as you prepare to go abroad. ✈️

To explore more programs that might not be listed here, please use the Wellesley Study Abroad Program Browser - on there, you can filter by country, region, program type, etc. 😄

Also, remember that you can access the contact information for anyone who was abroad from 2004 to now, in any program from any country! The Excel sheet is linked above (accessible via your Wellesley account), but you can find it yourself on the OIS website under *Essential Resources* and in the dropdown menu titled “Wellesley Student Testimonials.” Reach out and talk with someone who went abroad on any program you’re interested in. ☺️

Scotland Program Information | OIS