Pole Objection

Please also read our privacy policy www.homeandbusiness.openreach.co.uk/privacy-policy which describes how we may use your personal information.

1Your Name *

2Your Address *

3Your Postcode *

4Your Email *

5Contact Number *

6Please select from one of the following *

7Please can you tell us when the pole was installed or is due to be installed 

8Please can you tell us the location of the pole and any key information found on the notice *

This may be different to your contact address provided above, please include any reference, estimates or supplier numbers.

Write your comment within 2000 characters.

9Please tell us why you do not want the pole there *

Write your comment within 2000 words.

10Please upload images of the of the pole and notice. 

If you are uploading multiple images, please upload the images pasted into one Microsoft Word document. 

There was a problem submitting your form!   Please check that all questions have been answered correctly and try again.