
Creative Commons License

Tavamithram Sarvada by Tavamithram Sarvada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://tavamithramsarvada.wordpress.com/

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Why all the HATE?
Past Lives: Truth or Hoax?
Anger Antidote
Brainwashed or Brilliant?
Duality: The root of most evil
Realise the Two Truths and be happy

The Ever-Relevant Gita: A Present-Day Rendering
(in English)


If you are a new visitor to this blog, I would like to provide you with a brief overview of my approach to studying and teaching. My style is to delve straight into the heart of the matter and then explore the details. I strive to explain Vedanta and other subjects in an easy-to-understand manner. Most importantly, my goal is to help you not only memorise Shlokas from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita but also to understand them deeply, internalise their essence, and store them in your mind so that you can recall them as needed in any situation.

This is a great opportunity for you to study the fascinating science of Advaita Vedanta and become totally free from fear, worries, anger, restlessness, and all kinds of mental bondage, including the fear of ‘god’, the fear of planets, cults, and all other such meaningless fears and pointless things in life.

I hope that you find inspiring insights and practical guidance on my blog to support you on your journey of spiritual evolution and attain the stage that Krishna has explained in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita.

Thank you for visiting, and I wish you a wonderful time exploring the content!
The Ever-Relevant Gita: A Present- Day Rendering

Welcome to my blog Tavamithram Sarvada, a platform dedicated to elevating minds through Vedanta, and dispelling superstitions. My name is Krishna and I go by the name Tavamithram Sarvada, which in Sanskrit means ‘Your friend forever’

I have been running this platform since February 2014 through which I share my experiences and my knowledge of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita and The Upanishads. Through my writings, I aim to inspire fearlessness, self-confidence, and a positive mental attitude.

I am no mystic sage, adorned with titles grand,
Nor a guru with secrets, in a far-off land.
Just a true friend, extending care with an open hand,
Witnessing life’s summit, where ignorant minds expand.

I am a companion on life’s intricate journey, offering insights and practices for mental clarity, stress relief, and inner peace. Join me as we celebrate the beauty of life and uncover the secrets it holds.

As a person who has deeply experienced the power of Vedanta and greatly benefited from such knowledge, I have been using this blog to share with everyone my simple and practical ways to guide oneself towards true enlightenment that makes life happy, peaceful, blissful, enriching and fulfilling.

Here, I encourage a deep study of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, moving beyond mere reading or empty recitation. The path to mental peace lies within these sacred teachings, with crucial insights found even in the early chapters of this amazing, life-changing scripture.

I urge you to embrace the spirit of Arjuna, seeking knowledge from Krishna as he did. This blog is a sanctuary free from rites, rituals, myths, and baseless beliefs. Embrace the essence of PURE VEDANTA and join me in this open space for sharing and thought-provoking discussions.

Thank you for visiting and for reading through this introduction.
Let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

My sincere thanks to our visitors from 189 countries around the world. 

This site has been a place that gives hope to people undergoing challenging situations in life. Learning about Divine Truths and the principles of Nature and of Karma, quells unnecessary negative thoughts from the minds of people, and it empowers them with tremendous amounts of their own Inner Power.

It has been over nine years of counselling people and spreading 

  • Optimism,
  • Positive Energy and Positive Mental Attitude,
  • Simple Steps to Achieving Fearlessness and Self-Confidence, and
  • The Divine Words of Bhagavan Shri Krishna by teaching the Srimad Bhagavad Gita through my sites, posts, and videos.

By the Divine Grace of Bhagavan Shri Krishna, this site has connected me with thousands of wonderful people from all over the world. It is heartening to hear from them that their lives have changed for the better and that they feel happy and content with themselves. Listening to our visitors describing their growing devotion, love and adoration for Bhagavan Shri Krishna, and understanding Vedanta is overwhelming. It is gladdening and satisfying to hear from visitors that this site brings optimism and positive energy into their lives.

Jai Shri Krishna

(Site stats as of 01.01.2024)