Weaving Your Year Ahead

Are you:

  • a business owner or entrepreneur
  • a sensitive person who would identify with being an empath
  • a creative or artist
  • a busy mother

and more than anything

  • a woman who desires to use her precious time INTENTIONALLY without the overwhelm, stress, self-doubts and fear of failure that plague most of us - especially while trying to heal from the major trauma that the whole world went through in these past few years?

And maybe - just maybe - you check most of those boxes at the same time. If you're here, there's a chance that it is so!

I have a simple, repeatable process that you can learn and apply in every area of your life, to help you:

💫 always know what you want (and need) to do next

💫 finally use your time and energy intentionally

💫 start over whenever you feel the need to

💫 create goals and action steps that are truly aligned with your heart's desire 

💫 learn to experience more clarity, fulfillment, and ease each day

....just to begin with.

Most of the goals we invest time and energy on, are chosen by the wounded part of ourselves - the part that is looking for external validation.

That's the part that wants to satisfy other people's ideas of what is right for us, or copy someone else's experience of happiness because we think that it will make us happy, too.

And then we wonder why we don't feel as satisfied and accomplished as we thought we would! 

We are cutting off, without knowing it, our own truth: the part of us that sees us as whole and capable already, and wants us to embody who we really are.

I understand - that might take time. 

But we have to begin somewhere, don't we?

And I'd love to help you do just that.

    How it all began:

    One cold December afternoon - I was probably 15 years old at the time - I was sitting on my messy bed, pen and notebook in hand, trying to come up with a "list of things" I wanted to accomplish in the next year. 

    See, back then there weren't as many resources available as we have today. No internet in every home or social media, not even books on the subject, that I knew of, at least (okay, I'm not one hundred years old, if you're wondering!). 

    Of course I forgot about that piece of paper in matter of days. But years after, remembering that day, I realized something very important. 

    Whether we're aware of it or not, we are all naturally susceptible to cycles. We feel the desire to change and long to explore ourselves and the meaning of our lives. 

    We just can't help it. 

    So when I first began learning about setting goals and studying the cycles of life, that can also be tracked through planetary movements and the power of numbers, it all finally started to make sense.

    I have been refining this process since 2014, going deeper and deeper into the meaning of purpose, co-creation and the way we live our lives, while cutting out the superficial stuff and adding depth to it.

      Not your traditional Vision Board workshop!

      Join me for a light-filled, inspiring and revealing 2-parts Workshop where we will learn as we go through the steps and weave our Soul-Centered New Year together!

      When you sign up:

      💜 you receive your pass to access to two 90 minutes live workshops held online - and to the recordings for you to review

      💜 we work together as I teach and guide you through the steps, with simple yet powerful exercises and meditations

      💜 ask questions or receive feedback as we go

      💜 you leave ready to apply the method to every aspect of your life 

      💜 you can join my Facebook group where to share your questions and receive extra support

      💜 you will get early access to my updated Workbook as soon as it's ready, to guide you for the months to come!

      December 12 and 13 2023 at 8pm EST

      Join us for only $37

      And I will be your host!