Pledge not to Donate to Yale until it Divests from Fossil Fuels and Commits to Endowment Transparency and Investing in New Haven
By signing my name below, I pledge not to donate any money to Yale University until Yale meets the following demands:
1. Disclose & divest all holdings in fossil fuel companies.
2. Commit to a set of investment practices in line with the principles of climate justice, refusing to profit from exploitative and extractive industries and from the precarity of communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis and U.S. imperialism.
3. Invest in a just and livable future for all New Haveners.

Yale hoards a $42.3 billion endowment, including more than $12 billion gained during the COVID-19 crisis. As New Haven, a predominately Black and Latino city, has struggled with the awful toll of the pandemic, Yale continues to refuse to pay its fair share in taxes. As the climate crisis accelerates, and New Haven continues to suffer from austerity imposed by Yale, low-lying, coastal minority neighborhoods like Fair Haven will see unprecedented burdens on their infrastructure as Yale grows ever richer. Enough is enough. We envision, and demand, a University that puts people over profits, and invests in a just future for all.

Yale claims to be committed to light and truth, but puts its own power, prestige, and wealth before the wellbeing of the New Haven community and the world. Yale-trained scientists, scholars, and activists fight for a just and livable future every day, around the world. But Yale actively undermines their work by refusing to divest from the fossil fuel industry, and other exploitative industries including sovereign debt, weapons manufacturers, and prison-related industries. We envision an endowment for the people, not a hedge fund with a university attached.

The Yale investments office is massively influential in the world of endowments, and hundreds of other colleges and universities across the country model their investments off of theirs. They justify their holdings in fossil fuel companies through a willful naiveté that does not reflect the environmental research created in this very institution. Yale should invest in the economic transformation climate change requires. Their decision to divest from fossil fuels and commit to financial transparency and equity in New Haven would have reverberations around the world.

Students, alumni, and the entire New Haven community are powerful, and we will hold this university accountable!

I stand with the following groups in supporting these demands:

The Yale Endowment Justice Coalition
Despierta Boricua at Yale
Fossil Free Yale
Yale Students for Prison Divestment
Association of Native Americans at Yale
Yale College Council
Alternative Senior Class Gift
Environmental Justice at Yale (EJAY)
Students Unite Now (SUN)
Yale Forward
Yale Student Environmental Coalition (YSEC)
Yale Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)
Sunrise New Haven
New Haven Climate Movement (NHCM)
New Haven Rising
Yale Young Democratic Socialists of America
350 CT
UNITE HERE Local 33                      
New Haven Climate Movement
Party for Socialism and Liberation - CT
Yale Women’s Center
Sierra Club Connecticut
Sierra Club Puerto Rico
Students for Sensible Drug Policy
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA) de Yale
New Haven Stands with Standing Rock
Jewish Climate Action Network
CT Puerto Rican Agenda
Yale College Democrats
Chispa CTLCV
Yale Outdoors
Fossil Free Penn
Climate Justice at Boston College
Divest University of Kentucky
Yale Refugee Project
Divest Middlebury
The South Asian Society at Yale
The Yale Student Environmental Coalition
Yale Students for Yemen
The Yale Animal Welfare Alliance
Yale Students for Bernie

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I want to be more involved with endowment justice! (send me emails) *
Further reading on the Yale endowment and the endowment justice movement:
On the continued urgency of the divestment movement:

On Yale's most recent obscene endowment returns:

On the insufficiency of Yale's action on fossil fuel investments to date:

Teach-in on Yale Endowment (accurate through 2017 only):

Blatt, Gabriella. “Rising Grief, Rising Tides.” Yale Daily News, October 23, 2018.

Calnek-Sugin, Rachel, and Mikki Metteba. “Dismantle the ACIR.” Yale Daily News, November 5, 2018.

Chan, Jamie, and Adriana Colón-Adorno. “Cancel Puerto Rican Debt.” Yale Daily News, November 14, 2018.

Colón-Adorno, Adriana, and Alejandro Comas-Short. "Yale Benefits From the Puerto Rican Debt—These Students Are Fighting to End That" The Nation, March 1, 2019.

Darrow, Cass. “Expanding Our Moral Capacity.” Yale Daily News, January 29, 2016.

Darrow, Cass. “Yale’s Economic Apartheid.” Yale Daily News, October 13, 2016.

Darrow, Cass, and Rachel Calnek-Sugin. “An Ethical Endowment?” Yale Daily News, March 6, 2018.

Dayen, David. “Yale University Under the Spotlight for Its Investment in Puerto Rican Debt.” The Intercept, February 20, 2018.

Heaphy, Nora, and Sophie Lieberman. “Yale Has Failed Us.” Yale Daily News, November 26, 2018.

Klein, Naomi. “There’s Nothing Natural About Puerto Rico’s Disaster.” The Intercept, September 21, 2018.

Tadele, Seyade, Joseph Gaylin, and Charlie Urban-Mead. “Private Prisons & The Endowment.” Yale Daily News, March 7, 2018.

Canfield, Lily, Moses Goren, Tom Murray. “Yale’s Prison Problem.” Yale Daily News, October 5, 2018. 
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