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Sacred Magick Spotlight

For authors, trainers, marketers and publishers in the spiritual, metaphysical and self-help market

A full page of online advertising. Toss in photos and links. Target an audience with an interest in you and your work. While you’re at it, make sure the site has had upward of 330,000 pageviews.
Expensive, right? It would be, anywhere else.

But here at Sacred Magick, you can do this for free.
That’s right. FREE. All it takes is a few minutes of your time and your book or program doesn’t have to be new.
Part of the Sacred Magick mission is to promote authors and their works and we offer this free promotion program as a way to give back to authors for their hard work and dedication.

This free online promotional opportunities through our new Sacred Magick Spotlight will promote your work through our:

· Mailing list (one time submission per material)

· Promotion on Sacred Magick web pages (advertising will be displayed at a minimum of 7 days)

· “Featured Author” page for select authors.

All promotion must be submitted to our mailing list first before promotion to web pages and inclusion to Featured Authors page will be discussed.

Here’s how it works:

1. Entries may be made and conform to our specific guidelines that follow here. We will consider no more than one submission per author per calendar year.

2. We need your real name and real email address.

3. Absolutely no more than 600 words per submission.

4. Submission of blurbs, content of promotion, and reviews.

5. Images of the promotion material may be attached with your entry.

6. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Email to [email protected] with the words “Spotlight on Sacred Magick” in the subject line. We accept only Word documents or submissions embedded in the email text.

7. Not all submissions will be published. Sacred Magick reserve the right to select and to publish at their sole discretion, on a space available basis. If your Spotlight doesn’t get posted, don’t assume we don’t like it. It simply may not fit our editorial needs or schedule. In general, submissions published in the order in which they are received, though we give priority to submissions by members of Sacred Magick.

8. In order to be considered, the contents of your Spotlight must precisely follow this format:

- Open with an excerpt from your book, in italics. In parentheses at the end of the excerpt, include the book’s title and author.
- Follow with a synopsis of no more than two paragraphs.
- Follow with quoted, attributed reviews and/or blurbs for your book.
- End with an author bio, in italics, written in third person. You must mention your current residency (past or present), and if you’re a member of Sacred Magick, mention that as well.
- End your bio with a statement regarding the formats in which your work is available, and mention the publisher. (Bio not to exceed 150 words.)


9. At the end of your submission, you may list up to five web links to be included in your post.

- These are strictly limited to:  A link to your author website, link to places where readers may purchase a hardcover, softcover or digital edition of your work, and link to your social media.

- We will convert all links to a short and traceable link and share it with you.
- For links pointing to products sold on, Sacred Magick reserve rights to include it own Amazon affiliate link.

10. We will make every attempt to notify you prior to posting your submission, but we cannot guarantee to do so. You can maximize visibility by sharing the link to your published Spotlight with your social media and email contacts.

11. We reserve the right to edit your work but do not promise to do so. We do NOT make corrections or changes after the post has been published unless the error is our own, and we do not correct based on appearance alone, as the Blogger platform suffers from occasional glitches in formatting that are beyond our control.

12. We will make every effort to acknowledge receipt of your submission, but our volunteer staff is unable to respond to follow-up queries. If your Spotlight has not been posted within three months of submission, feel free to re-submit.




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