Brunei getting wetter, warmer due to global warming

Source: Xinhua| 2017-08-18 19:37:02|Editor: ying
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BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- Brunei is getting wetter and warmer due to global warming, data collected by the Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department shows.

According to local media on Friday, on average, Brunei's maximum temperature is going up by +0.3 degrees Celsius with mean temperature increasing by 0.6 degrees Celsius while the annual rainfall is showing a rising trend, with the mean rainfall increasing to 37.2mm.

"Recent trend shows significant increase in rainfall from January to April and slight increase from June to August. The months of January to April are getting wetter in recent years," Harnina Morani from the Meteorological Department said.

"Monthly maximum temperature has shown a slightly increasing trend during recent years (2013-2016), particularly from August to January. Monthly variation from the highest and lowest maximum temperature is about two degrees Celsius," she said.

"This (data) shows that climate change is having an impact on Brunei as well," she added.

Meanwhile, she highlighted that Brunei was affected by strong El Nino years - 1982-1983, 1997-1998 and 2015-2016, while 2009-2010 was a moderate El Nino year. The maximum temperature tends to peak during El Nino years.