Get Subscribers and Viewers


The party dont start till I Log in.
Before starting a thread . I should explain first "Why is Subscribers Important ?"
Answer : Well , there are 800+ Million People using Youtuber monthly , daily , etc.
Its very a huge amount of people but , you need those people to earn subscribers .
Well , on the first start of youtube , you will get a tiny amount of subscribers and
you get very excited and upload tons of tons of videos and get 4-5 views and almost
3 are them are yours (just an example) . Well , you need loyal viewers to expect more
of your videos , and get tons of tons of views , get popular and other advantages.

Actually before reading some of my Advices , you need to read this things first
and do this .

1: Consistent . You need consistent genre of your videos and always be active.
You need to produce your videos on a regular basis . But do not spam your videos
because people hate that .

2: Patience . This is the most important thing , this is the mother of all mother .
You cant expect tons of views when you start on youtube . You will need alot of
effort and time to get viewers. But sharing your videos will actually help getting
some views .

3: Guts . You will need guts on speaking to your viewers and subscribers.
If you do not have this , you will let down your loyal subscribers and viewers.

Okay , those are the regular basics on starting on youtube. Now this
are the advice to get known on youtube.

1: Friendship . Well this is a important role on your channel because your
friends will actually watch your videos . A example of getting friendship is
like being friendly on .

2: Spread your Channel . Spreading your YT Channel all over the Internet!
Like going to websites/forums and put your channel link on your signature or
something that audience and members will actually see your channel.

3: Giving Tutorials . Well , tons of tons of Audience are looking for
tutorials . Dont give poor tutorials .

3. B : Giving Tutorials : Talk . Do not use notepad or annonations
on talking , buy a good mic and speak ! Dont be afraid
that you have a poor accent of English and do not
spit on your mic like the air is ruining the mic and
it sounds so bad.

4: Sub 4 Sub or asking for a Sub . This is barely a tool to
earn subscribers and some viewers . Just ask for it and you will
have some tiny audience and keep building up until you got some
few numbers of subscirbers .

5: Telling your Viewers what to do . This is just barely important
on ending or adding this on your videos , telling your viewers to subscribe.
okay , here is a example speech for an outro , intro , etc. for asking
for your viewers , "Hello beautiful viewers , if you have liked this
video just simply click the like rating bellow and if your new to my
channel , click that subscribe button for a cookie and comment
for suggestions , peace out !" thats a simple way on how to tell
your viewers . Now , for an another way on telling your viewers what
to do is , adding annonations on your videos , but dont make it to
much big , its very annoying to some viewers .

6: Think first befor doing any action . If you have any comments
that says that your video sucks , dont reply them back with something
negative or something offensive . Be kind because every single comment
for a new starting youtube channel is very important .
Think 10 times before posting a comment or uploading a video.

7: Service . Make a little shop and the payment for some customers
is subscribing on your channel , this is a very handy tool but important ;)

8: Again , Patience is the mother of all mother . This is the most
important so please wait a little bit a while for getting viewers and subscribers.

9: Action ! . If you are not getting some views and subscribers , the
best way is to do action with it , do alot of effort such as asking
for it , PM some friends you know or other people out there
on the internet but do not spam them .

Hoped you liked my strategy and advice on getting subscribers and Viewers
on youtube . If you are asking my "but why you dont have any subscribers or
viewers on your youtube channel" Well , I have spoken to some youtubers
out there and they telled their experience on getting partnered , getting tons
of subscribers , getting lots of views , etc etc. so I just based it through experience
and I have read some strategies to so I just added some .

If you have a advice and strategy to get subscribers and viewers too , just comment it down and let the audience to see it. ;)

Here are some other tutorials , advices , etc
that you can read ! :)

Table of Topic Post Contents.
I.Get Subscribers and Viewers
II. Make your own Site Fast Cheap/Free
III. Music for your Videos

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Yeah, thank you for that useful tips (hope they'll help me get some viewers/subscribers) but I am not concerned about the 7th one. Is it really very important? I thought that creating a shop is good for people who have dozens of viewers. Anyway, thanks a lot once more time :)
Cool stuff :)

Definitely agree with number 2 - as with anything when starting out it's never easy and does take a lot of time, effort and persistence. You just have to think it'll all be worth it in the end!
Yeah, thank you for that useful tips (hope they'll help me get some viewers/subscribers) but I am not concerned about the 7th one. Is it really very important? I thought that creating a shop is good for people who have dozens of viewers. Anyway, thanks a lot once more time :)
it could help a little ;) go to some forums and make a service ;) and No Problem ;)

Cool stuff :)

Definitely agree with number 2 - as with anything when starting out it's never easy and does take a lot of time, effort and persistence. You just have to think it'll all be worth it in the end!
yeah . just keep pushing your good job until you get there ;)