Shairbearg’s Blog

Sleep: Are you getting enough?

Posted on: May 14, 2010

Currently there is a new study going on about how the lack of sleep effects a person. The following are the questions they are trying to answer: How will they function? How long until they break? After a certain amount of time, will their mind turn to a state of mush, and will the subject just sit in the corner and cry?

I know you are probably thinking – why do we need another study about this? I am with you on that. I feel the same way.

Unfortunately for me, my boys don’t. I am the unfortunate soul they are using for their sleep study. I must say, the brain is turning to mush. I sat here for 5 minutes trying to think of a word that is the opposite of benefits, and just now came up with the word I was looking for “side-effects”.

I use to think it was just the baby being a newborn. But now, I know it’s more. The baby will keep me up all night, and then he waits until his brothers wake up then he goes to sleep. They have been waking up extra early for him, so his shift doesn’t last too long.

This morning the baby was extra tired, so somehow he signalled his brother, Wesley. I am thinking they talk about it ahead of time, in what I think is just cute “baby talk”. Wesley, woke up dry heaving, and crying. Seriously? No fever, no throwing up, no other signs. Now the baby just fell asleep, and Wes was falling asleep, so he gagged again (nothing in a 1/2 hour before that).

I am on to them! Now to figure out a way to thwart their efforts…hmmmm it may be difficult when at this point I call my hubby “hey, you”, and barely remember my own name.

5 Responses to "Sleep: Are you getting enough?"

You are funny! Man I can relate to you as well on the sleep thing. It does seem like the kids have a conspiracy going on… and then they must laugh about it. funny stuff- nice also to meet someone else from OHIO! Yipeeeee. Thanks for linking up with us this week! Have a great weekend!

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bree Anderson, Shari Goss. Shari Goss said: Check out my newest blog: Are you getting enough sleep?: […]

Oh goodness! I hope you get more sleep soon!

Next time you are at your Dr. ask to get your iron checked! It can really lead to exhaustion and decreased mental ability and it’s really common for postpartum mamas.

Thanks Kristeen, but I’ve had it checked because of my tramatic birth story with Justin, I lost a lot of blood, so I had to keep an eye on it. It bounced back fine. I am very sensitive to lack of sleep, and it is even worse if I am dehydrated, which can happen when I am nursing.

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