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Secure Your iPhone Battery: 10 Best Practices For iPhone Battery Charging

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 iPhone Battery Charging: Nowadays, everyone spends their time on their phones instead of with their families. But more important than a phone is its battery because the battery life of the phone will be good only then you can use it more and for longer periods of time.

The trend of the iPhone is going on a lot these days. Some people use the iPhone as a choice and some to show off.

 A Lithium-ion battery is used in most iPhone mobiles, tablets, and laptops. Lithium iron provides more energy for the phone’s battery, but it starts to deteriorate with more use of the phone.

In fact, the iPhone is a good and durable device, but like any other device, it also needs maintenance to keep it running properly. Only by maintaining good battery health will an iPhone or any other device be able to function properly.

You must have noticed that when you get a new phone, its battery life decreases with time. Battery life becomes so wasteful that even a full charge lasts for half a day. Today, through this article, we will give you some best practices for iPhone battery charging that will help to make your phone’s battery last longer.

Why is it important to maintain the health of your iPhone battery

As you know, the battery of the iPhone starts depleting and deteriorating over time. But there are some steps with the help of which you can increase the life of your phone and its battery. The battery is one of the first parts of any phone that gets damaged. If you do not take care of the battery properly, then it starts to deteriorate.

There is no guarantee of how long an iPhone battery will function properly. There are many factors that affect the battery of the iPhone. It is your responsibility to keep the battery of your Apple phone properly. For your help, we will give you some practices that really work for you.

  • Best practices for iPhone battery charging

1 Keep the phone away from excessive heat.

  • This is one of the most important practices for iPhone battery charging. Like any other device, the biggest enemy of the iPhone is heating. Heat completely destroys the battery of your phone. You must have noticed that there is always a warning written on the battery of the phone that the battery should be kept away from high temperatures.
  • According to Apple’s official website, it has been found that none of the Apple brand devices can tolerate temperatures above 35 degrees. Most people charge their iPhone in the car while traveling, or charge it with a power bank outside. If you go to a place where the temperature is more than 30 degrees, then you should not charge your phone there.
  • If you charge your phone in a place where the temperature is more than 30 x 40, then it can cause huge damage to the battery of your Apple phone.

2 Charge your phone from time to time.

  • If your phone battery is not working properly, then follow this method. You spend most of your time on the phone and do not charge it. If you do this, then you are wasting your phone battery. Just as a person needs food to run properly, a battery needs a charge.
  • If your phone has 60 percent charging, then use the phone only till 30 percent and then let it charge up to 80 percent.

3 Do not drain the phone battery completely.

Often we use our phone till 0 percent battery and only after 100 percent use the phone again. We do this because we think it is very good for our phone battery. But you know that there is nothing like this, it is just a lie, and the results are always the opposite. Using the phone completely until it is switched off, and then fully charging 100% is harmful to the battery.

4 Keep your phone’s battery between 75% and 85%.

When you keep your battery charged between 75 to 85, your battery actually lasts longer. Just like a car has a speed at which it consumes less fuel. Research has shown that this site is good for both your phone and the iPhone battery charging.

5 Don’t leave your iPhone on charge all night.

Many people charge their phones, while they are sleeping, their phone gets fully charged. You may find this option appropriate, but it is not for your battery. Do you know that when you go to sleep with the phone on charging, then this phone starts overcharging which damages your battery?

When you overeat, it is harmful to you. In the same way, overcharging is also bad for your phone’s battery.

6 Turn off those features that are not in use.

  • iPhone battery charging: One of the best ways to preserve the life of your iPhone’s battery. You must deactivate or delete all the features that you do not use. Include features that you need most. Or you can add frequently used features in the Fire setting such as Background App Refresh, Hotspot, Bluetooth, etc.
  • Keeping the brightness of your iPhone too low is also the reason for the reduced battery life. After using any app, do not forget to remove it from the background, if you do not do this, then it will run in the background even after you remove it.

7 Use only the official Apple charger.

  • It often happens that the charger of our phone is lost. In such a situation, we buy a charger from any shop and charge the phone with it. There are many companies that sell fake chargers at their prices by saying original chargers. They charge your phone properly but they are harmful to your phone’s battery.
  • Always use the original charger of your phone to keep your iPhone battery life better. It keeps your battery healthy and helps it to last longer.

8 Cover your iPhone with the case.

  • If you want to keep your iPhone battery healthy, then keep your phone away from dirt and dust. This is very helpful in keeping the battery safe. When you do not put the cover on your phone, then the dust particles go into your phone which is harmful to your battery. This keeps reducing the lifespan of your battery.
  • Always keep your phone covered with a case. This will protect your phone battery as well as damage after your phone falls. Take such a case for your phone, due to which your phone does not heat up, otherwise, it is also a loss for your battery.

9 Update your phone from time to time.

  • iPhone battery charging is also impacted due to an older OS. Update your iOS device from time to time to keep it up and running.
  • This method is great for your device. With updates, your phone battery keeps the operating system updated, which is great for your battery. From time to time updates come on the phone, which you need to do.
  • It also keeps the battery of the phone good for a long time.
  • These updates always come with new battery features which are a must for your battery. Now, this feature is also present in the phone, how much do you use which app. And which app takes what percentage of battery.

10 Save your Apple device battery from working for a long time.

  • The iPhone battery degrades over time. The iPhone has a Lithium Ion battery which over time starts to wear out. Use your phone sparingly. As much as possible, do not keep such apps on your phone which consume a lot of battery.
  • iPhone battery charging: Do not leave your phone on for a long time, it also damages your battery and hangs the phone. Apart from this, you should always keep the brightness of your phone low and remove the apps from the background.


Your phone battery gets degraded as time goes by. It can get spoiled due to the many factors, which we told you about. Apple is engaged in improving its device. But if you are worried about the battery of your phone, then you must use all these tips at once, your battery will definitely benefit. Quit using the phone till your bad habits become 0%.

These tips apply to all phones, not just the iPhone. All the same, tips can be applied to laptops and tablets as well. So we have told you about best practices for iPhone battery charging. Hope you like this information was given by us.

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One response

  1. Feder, Charles

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