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Last active July 9, 2020 03:12
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k0s! It's k1s minus the colors 😿
#!/bin/bash -e
resource=${1:-"pods"}; namespace=${2:-"default"}
watch -c "echo ' _ ___'; echo '| | __/ _ \ ___'; echo '| |/ / | | / __| Namespace: ${namespace}'; echo '| <| |_| \__ \ Resources: ${resource}'; echo '|_|\_\\\\\___/|___/'; echo; kubectl get -n "$namespace" "$resource" ${@:3}
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relaxdiego commented Jul 9, 2020


  1. Bash
  2. watch (the command, not the thing on your wrist)
  3. kubectl


curl > ~/k0s
chmod +x ~/k0s

Sample commands

~/k0s all kube-system
~/k0s deployments kube-system -o wide
~/k0s pods kube-system -o name
~/k0s all,secrets,serviceaccount kube-system

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