Showing posts with label Word Filled Wednesdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Word Filled Wednesdays. Show all posts

Kookaburra and Kindness

A to Z blog hop at Patterings
Welcome to A to Z!
We'd love to have you join the fun, either blogging your way through the alphabet with us, or simply visiting. =) We dearly love visitors.

This week is the letter K.

If you're joining in the meme, be sure to link up with us at the end of this post. Since this is a blog hop, you can grab the code for the linky down there too. Find more info about the A to Z meme here.
Kookaburra often gets stuck in my head. And it's annoying as all get-out. I do not like Kookaburra!! So I try to kick him out. Thinking about God's kindness to us...helps kick Kookaburra.

I'm so thankful for God's kindness to me.

Be sure to check out Soldier's Heart by Tamera Lynn Kraft and leave her some kindness.

If you're joining us for the A to Z meme by posting on your blog this week about the letter K, be sure to add your name and the link to that particular post in the linky gadget here. Also, if you don't have the linky gadget on your site, click the link to get the code so you can add it.

Not by Might

Whenever I begin to feel overwhelmed this verse keeps me from drowning.

I'm so thankful that we can do the things God calls us to do...that we can do them through His strength and His Spirit.

Today I'm linking up with Word Filled Wednesday at Woman to Woman. For links to more pictures and Scripture, join us!!

Focus: God's Faithfulness

This last week I realized one of the things that was really dragging me down: my focus. In one of the 1000+ comments on Seekerville's New Year's Eve party Tina Radcliffe said,

Tucked in the back of my bible is a saying from at least 15 years ago...

"The devil will have you look at how FAR you have to go-BUT INSTEAD, LOOK AT EVERY STEP YOU'VE TAKEN ALONG THE WAY"

It's important that once a year at least we stop and appreciate the journey.

That combined with things my sister Cheryl has been talking about at Sea Level 320 about storytelling and focus. She said

What I chose to focus upon is critical to what I'm trying to accomplish and convey.

I realized in all my thinking and analyzing last month I hadn't stopped and really focused on all that I did--all that God did in me. Missing that one key ingredient totally skewed how I felt, responded and thought about the upcoming year.

It's time for me to go back and see all that God did in me last year. It's time to celebrate those things. It's time to remember all God has done for me and remember He's brought me this far. He'll carry me through 2012 too.

It's time to focus on God's faithfulness, not my feelings. 
That's where the truth is.

Be sure to check the Cafe for more links to WFW

*Photo by courtesy of

Until It's Done

I've been mulling over a verse for next year, and, to be honest, I haven't settled on one yet. But this verse keeps coming to mind--one I memorized a while ago that I often return to.

It's a great verse to be meditating on as we move into 2012.

Then David said to his son Solomon,
"Be strong and courageous, and act;
do not fear nor be dismayed,
for the Lord God, my God, is with you.
He will not fail you nor forsake you
until all the work of the Lord is finished."
1 Chronicles 28:20 NAS

Be sure to check the Cafe for more links to WFW

Won't you join me memorizing 1 Chronicles 28:20 this week at Living by Grace?

*Photo by courtesy of

The Service of Worship

Each week at Living by Grace, a devotional discussion Facebook group, we post a memory verse and this week's is Romans 12:1...

Therefore I urge you brethren,
by the mercies of God,
to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice,
acceptable to God,
which is our spiritual service 
of worship.
~Romans 12:1

Be sure to check the Cafe for more links to WFW

Won't you join me memorizing Romans 12:1 this week at Living by Grace?

*Photo by courtesy of


Each week at Living by Grace, a devotional discussion Facebook group, we post a memory verse and this week's is Philippians 4:7, to go with last week's verse which was verse 6.

And the peace of God,
which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Peace, real peace--God's peace, is found in Christ Jesus...

Be sure to check the Cafe for more links to WFW

Won't you join me memorizing Philippians 4:6-7 this week at Living by Grace?

In Everything

Each week at Living by Grace, a devotional discussion Facebook group, we post a memory verse and this week's is Philippians 4:6.

Do not be anxious about anything, 
but in everything,
by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
Be sure to check the Cafe for more links to WFW

Won't you join me memorizing Philippians 4:6 this week at Living by Grace?

Don't Just Listen

Each week at Living by Grace, a devotional discussion Facebook group, we post a memory verse and this week's is James 1:22.

Do not merely listen to the word,
and so deceive yourselves.

Do what it says.
James 1:22

Be sure to check the Cafe for more links to WFW

Won't you join me memorizing James 1:22 this week at Living by Grace?

A Spirit of Power

Each week at Living by Grace, a devotional discussion Facebook group, we post a memory verse and this week's is 2 Timothy 1:7, building on verse 6, which we memorized a couple weeks ago.

For God has not given us a spirit of timidity,
but of power
and love
and discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7 NAS

Far too often I settle for fear, not stopping to remember that God has given me so much more. It's time to remember!

Be sure to check the Cafe for more links to WFW

Won't you join me memorizing Psalm 34:18 this week at Living by Grace?

*Photo by courtesy of

God's Word on Evolution

Each week at Living by Grace, a devotional discussion Facebook group, we post a memory verse and this week's is Hebrews 11:3.

By faith we understand that the worlds 
were prepared by the word of God, 
so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.
~Hebrews 11:3 NAS

We don't have to debate, dither, or duck when it comes to evolution.
We have God's Word on it.

God's Word brought something from nothing.
End of story.

Be sure to check the Cafe for more links to WFW

Won't you join me memorizing Psalm 34:18 this week at Living by Grace?

*Photo courtesy of Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA/NASA/ESA) and Amy Simon (Cornell U.)

Hope for the Brokenhearted

Each week at Living by Grace, a devotional discussion Facebook group, we post a memory verse and this week's is Psalm 34:18.

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

Be sure to check the Cafe for more links to WFW

Won't you join me memorizing Psalm 34:18 this week at Living by Grace?

*Photo by torli, courtesy of

He Quiets Me

Each week at Living by Grace, a devotional discussion Facebook group, we post a memory verse and this week's is one that I recently refound.

The LORD your God is with you,
He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)

Each line is filled with promise and comfort and as I memorized it the other day, it was truly wonderful to meditate on each line.

When I got to "He will quiet you with His love," I thought of my husband. Some days have been enough to set my teeth on edge and many other nasty things, but the moment I just hear my husband's van pull into the driveway, I feel myself settling. Other days, I feel like my frantic button is jammed and those days my husband's love truly quiets me. All my fuming and fretting and fury, his loves soothes and quiets. This is what I picture when I quote that line--God's love quieting me. No matter how extreme the situation.

So tell me, which line comforts you the most right now? Which promise encourages you on?
Be sure to check the Cafe for more links to WFW

Won't you join me memorizing Zephaniah 3:17 this week at Living by Grace?

Not by Might

Finding the Extraordinary God in our Ordinary Lives

Each fall we have hummingbirds galore as they stop to refuel on their way south. Those tiny creatures fascinate me and the only way I can understand all they do is to accept it's how God created them. It's not that they're so strong and powerful, it's that God enabled them to travel the miles He has for them.

God has enabled us to travel the miles He has for us--through and by His Spirit.


I spent a couple of years in the shadow of Chimborazo down in Ecuador and it quickly became a source of strength for me. Even after all these years it's a symbol of stability and in these weeks of monumental change here at my house, I have a new appreciation for GOD's stability in my life. Someday even Chimbo will crumble, but God never will. Ever.

God is the stability of my times and THE wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge for me.

Exalt the Lord with me!

For more Word-filled Wednesdays, join us at...

Free Indeed

It's Wednesday and since this picture has been on my mind all week I wanted to join in on Word Filled Wednesday, hosted by the Internet Cafe Devotions, where I happen to be posting tomorrow. =] Join us there for links to more WFWs!

Once I quit tugging on a door that wasn't open and turned to a door that was and this is how I've been feeling.

Following God leads to
and freedom!

Train Up

Recently this is something that's come to my attention several times. My husband excels in this area, but I need to make some changes...

Training a child starts at birth, and covers every area of life, throughout life. Kids need more than just a physical home. They need love and attention, correction and confirmation and even more love. Children are wonderful and I love mine--but I need to work on being a better mother to them.

For links to more Word Filled Wednesdays
run to the 160 Acre Woods!

Faith and Obedience

For we walk by faith, not by sight.
~2 Corinthians 5:7

So many times in life I feel like I'm walking in the fog--but when I walk by faith, I know I'm not alone nor wandering aimlessly. God directs my steps. I just need to hold tight to Him
and obey.

For links to more Word Filled Wednesdays
run to the 160 Acre Woods!

How Majestic...

We're blessed with beautiful sunsets around here, and I've enjoyed watching my daughters soak them up. My older daughter took this picture--she watches for the good ones, grabs her camera and races with her sister to the fence row at the top of our small hill to watch and get pictures. They've braved temperatures that make me shiver just stepping out the door for a moment--all to watch God's glorious sunset. I need to learn from my girls.

For links to more Word Filled Wednesdays
run to the 160 Acre Woods!

The Harvest Call

The last couple weeks I've been thinking about service and God's will and now, thanks to Joanne and Monday Manna, God's call...which has brought me to this week's Word Filled Wednesday.

So where are you? (and where am I?) Are we praying for the Lord to send forth workers? Are we listening to His voice and His call? Are we saying 'Here I am! Send me!'? My prayers is that we are involved in three.

For links to more Word Filled Wednesdays
run to the 160 Acre Woods!

For Wonders Worked...

Last night I accomplished a goal, which will enable me to reach for the next goal on this journey. This encapsulates how I felt:

For links to more Word Filled Wednesdays
run to the 160 Acre Woods!

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